Development of the national information infrastructure in Hungary in the fields of hortlculture and food industry
szakkönyvtár, mezőgazdaság, élelmiszeripar, informatikai hálózat, könyvtárgépesítés, MagyarországAbstract
The authors discuss the building of the national computer network of the University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Hungary. Existing subject field oriented co-operation of libraries has been enhanced by a common infrastructure development project with the aim to prepare a virtual shared catalogue system. This co-operation has been based on the PC-TCP/IP configuration version of the integrated library system TINLIB. Libraries at different locations in the country are connected to each other and to internet by the X.25 communication network above a router. System selection criteria are discussed in detail with special attention to the selection of network configuration which is the most crucial issue for the implementation of a national network.
How to Cite
Lengyel, M., Zalainé Kovács, É Development of the national information infrastructure in Hungary in the fields of hortlculture and food industry, Scientific and Technical Information, 42(10), p. 379–383, 2018.