Assessment of the three-year TEMPUS project in Roland Eötvös University, Budapest (ELTE)
Within the framework of the TEMPUS project funded by the European Community, the possibility has been opened up for ELTE to modernise the curricula for librarians' education, to improve financial conditions of ELTE's Library and Information Department, and to sponsor training tours for teachers and students at other participating universities. The other participants in the TEMPUS project are Fachhochschule Hannover, Fachbereich Bibliothekswesen, Information und Dokumentation, and Rijkshogeschool Uselland (Deventer). The objectives, their realisation and use of financial support are presented. It is concluded that the project met its goals, and the funds available were spent effectively during academic years '90/91, '91/92 and '92/93.
How to Cite
Péter, B. Assessment of the three-year TEMPUS project in Roland Eötvös University, Budapest (ELTE), Scientific and Technical Information, 41(3-4), p. 120–125, 2018.