Statistical work in the period of change


  • Lőrinc Soós




The rapid soclal and economic changes in Hungary have challenged statistical activities, too. The number of players in the country's economy has grown dramatically, new phenomena which did not exist or existed in a hidden form only have surfaced and presented new tasks for statisticians to measure them. The structure of usage has changed also, the formerly predominant prestige users have practically vanished. The necessity to create a new statistical law that reflects recent conditions and approximates internationai practice has become an acute problem. All these requirements resulted in the claim for an immediate change of many activities in statistics. However, to accomplish significant changes in the practice of statistics, 3-5 years are needed in developed countries. The readjustment of the statistical system needs time that is necessary for the theoretical fundamentals, for the review of internationai methodologies, for assuring acceptance and to be prepared for any significant modifications in this country. In addition to the gradual restructuring of the statistical system, the staff of the Central Statistical Office of Hungary are primarily engaged also to remove the authority character of the former CSO, and to replace it with the image of a public service.




How to Cite

Soós, L. Statistical work in the period of change, Scientific and Technical Information, 40(2), p. 64–67, 2018.


