Library management economy. Part 2. Library systems, cost calculatlon, pricing
The author distinguishes between library information and information products, though the services of most libraries cover both. The basic functions of the library system should be financed by the government, while additional services should be supported by trade associations and companies. A method and expressions are presented for cost calculations of library services. A distinction is made between direct and indirect costs but, for libraries, it is difficult to draw a borderline. Pricing should be based on cost calculations, taking into account the demand for services, the prices of competitors, and the prices for "substituting" products. The library services can be used as input to other, value-added information services, therefore the price of the former should be considered for the pricing of the latter.
How to Cite
Alföldiné Dán, G. Library management economy. Part 2. Library systems, cost calculatlon, pricing, Scientific and Technical Information, 40(3), p. 99–103, 2018.