The hypertext concept and its reallzation. Problems perceived
Hypertext and hypermedia have overtaken the period of initial euphoria. According to experiences collecled so far, the problems of practical realization begin showing, the advantages and disadvantages are getting identified, and the tlme to correct detects and deficlencies and to adapt to exlstlng realities has come. These problems are reviewed based on the literature of hypertext. The dlfficulties of the definition of hypertext, areas where hypertext can be advantageous already, problems associated with getting lost is information hypertext space, necessary and possible constraints of links and available space, and space features of hypertext writing are discussed. This review is supported by a bibliography of 214 relevant documents.
How to Cite
Válas, G. The hypertext concept and its reallzation. Problems perceived, Scientific and Technical Information, 39(2), p. 59–71, 2018.