Four papers presented al the international seminar of SML INFO '92 (National Technical Information Centre and Library, Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 December, 1992)


  • Editorial staff (Contibutor)




Following privatization, the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs in the industry structure ot Hungary will grow. The intormalion needs and supply ol SMEs will require special attenlion and methodology The Budapest seminar on the informa¬tion supply (or SMEs. INFO '92. held on the end ot last year, was intended to help preparation ot information suppliers to meet those challenges.
Several international speakers presented their papers E g., P.-O. Bergeron spoke about the initiatives by the European Communities in this field and about their results, like the BC-NET and the network of European Information Centres which focus their attention onto the needs of SMEs. J. Hergel presented information and documentation development projects in Germany, especially in the former GDR which were launched to promote and improve information supply for and information use by SMEs in the perspectives ol the European Common Market. G. Fiscfter reported in the successes and failures of information supply tor SMEs in France.
The speakers from Western countries have stressed the point that in the development of information supply and utilization, regarding SMEs, permanent participation should be maintained. Even more so in such a country as Hungary, being under the privatization process A Hungarian speaker. Ágnes Csanádi told the audience that the Hungarian government did not forget about its duties. and financial support does exist for a short-term establishment of a special information system of SMEs.




How to Cite

-, .-. Four papers presented al the international seminar of SML INFO ’92 (National Technical Information Centre and Library, Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 December, 1992), Scientific and Technical Information, 40(6), p. 227, 2018.



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