Application of integrated library systems in Hungary
Computerised integrated library systems are appearing gradually in Hungarian special libraries. They consist of modules developed according to library functions, consequently, their introduction can take place step by step. These systems can be distiguished by the main library functions: acquisition, cataloguing, serials treatment, computer public catalogues (OPAC), and circulation. These categories of systems are supplemented by special computing aids, including character sets, authority files, access levels and display formats, integrated main menüs, automatic processing and data checking, data security, followup, statistics etc. The receiving ability of integrated systems in Hungary seems to be fairly good, but special attentlon should be paid to organizing work, to data recording, to hardware and software selection. There is a rather wide choice of library systems on the markét. Therefore, an analysis of systems that have appeared in Hungary rather haphazardly (ALEPH, CARLYLE, TECHLIB, TINLIB, VTLS) shows that these system can be regarded as options in their own categories and fields of appllcation. In the Appendix to this paper, the Common Command Language, the most important hardware products and operating systems for library applications are described and the addresses of some companies providing them are listed.
How to Cite
Kokas, K. Application of integrated library systems in Hungary, Scientific and Technical Information, 39(7-8), p. 311–331, 2018.