The possibllity of a computer-based model for the Hungarian information economy


  • Imre Molnár
  • György Rózsa
  • Pál Tamás




The over-centralized planned economic system in fact did not need much specialized information in Hungary. The merging of research and development, i.e. R&D rather than R and D separately, and the fictious unity of librarianship, like the unseparated treatment ol public and special libraries, have resulted in the neglect of the cause of information. The nalional economy, R and D that have now been forced into the challenge to face internal and external competition, should rely on a growing and intensive demand for information in the future. Intensification of demands brings about the problems of joining European integration. International integration, however, cannot be realized without the establishment of a national information strategy. This study presents an approach to starting the principle and practice development for the elements of such an information strategy. The three objectives in mind: The first is related to information policy, the way to establish a national information system by constructing partial models. Secondly, computerization is regarded as an organizationat force in the field of information, based on theoretical considerations. The third, is to demonstrate the process of particai realization of the previous two approaches by the development of a "model of models".




How to Cite

Molnár, I., Rózsa, G., Tamás, P. The possibllity of a computer-based model for the Hungarian information economy, Scientific and Technical Information, 37(12), p. 499–513, 2018.


