Integrated Library Network for Finnish Academic Libraries - LINNEA


  • Péter Sonnevend (Contibutor)




The basic idea of cooperation in library automation of Finnish research and university libraries was presented as early as 1972. The planning and realisation of the automation strategy on national level started in 1974 under the control of the computerisation team of the Ministry of Education. The LSP software developed at the British Library was used in the first period, for the creation of more than one million MARC records. The team developed a new strategy in 1984 comprising of an integrated library system, a central system for providing services to the local system, and a data communication network to connect local systems to the central one. The network called LINNEA is supported by the VLTS (USA) software and the FUNET data communlcation network. By 1990, the system was installed at nine locations, the total network will be fully operatlonal in 1993. This project has utilised the virtues of cooperation, and it opens up new perspectives for cooperation.




How to Cite

Antti, S. Integrated Library Network for Finnish Academic Libraries - LINNEA, Scientific and Technical Information, 38(7), p. 271–275, 2018.


