CD-ROMs and their use: a case study from Finland


  • Péter Sonnevend (Contibutor)




In 1990, a total of 93 CD-ROM databases were available at 37 Finnish libraries for science and technology. 20 of these can be found in the library of Helsinki School of Economics where CD-ROM services were introduced in 1988. At HSE, a questionnaire-based survey and a computer usage evaluation has proved that the CD-ROM services available free of charge during office hours in the library have soon become popular both for internal and external users. According to the survey, the most frequently used databases were BPI, SSI and CBI databases, and a growing interest was reflected for the MELECON database available since 1990. The case study reveals other aspects of CD-ROM usage, and it analyses also user satisfaction. The library will continue the assessment of CD-ROM usage primarily because it plans to upgrade its services by, e.g., the installation of a Pioneer jukebox and of a local CD-ROM network.




How to Cite

Kyilikki, R. CD-ROMs and their use: a case study from Finland, Scientific and Technical Information, 38(7), p. 285–287, 2018.


