HungALIS — The automated library information system of the Central Library of the Budapest University of Economics


  • Gabriella Alföldiné Dán
  • Walterné Demmler




The Hungarian Automated Library Information System, HungALIS, controls management and operation, information services in CL of BUE, in a uniform way. It was designed to be open for any further functions and to accept any other tools. It can be interfaced with Hungarian and international communication networks. The operation of HungALIS is controlled by an internally developed program package based on CDS/J.ISIS, version 2.33, an application software developed by UNESCO. The computer background and system philosophy is described, followed by the presentation of modules related with various library functions, including acquisition, cataloguing, documentation, current awareness, circulation, online database management, holding control, statistics. The main auxiliary database for subject analysis, Thesaurus, as well as the information databases are also described.




How to Cite

Alföldiné Dán, G., Demmler, W. HungALIS — The automated library information system of the Central Library of the Budapest University of Economics, Scientific and Technical Information, 38(9-10), p. 388–394, 2018.


