Perspective model of information services in industrial enterprise for the reformed economy in Poland
In Poland, a growing conviction exists that without the application of scientific and technological information the gap between Poland and Western countries would increase rapidly. Therefore, methods are sought how to stimulate information demands of indusirial professionals and how to im-prove the levél of information services. The author attempts to prove that such techniques can be established only with the announced comprehensive socio-economic restructuring of the Polish economy. The paper overviews the multifacted problems of information services. Starting from the present situation of information needs and services, a model based on their supposed general interrelation has been developed. The information demand is deduced from the socio-econimic system, and the ways leading to the realization of the model are identified.
How to Cite
Krystyn, B. Perspective model of information services in industrial enterprise for the reformed economy in Poland, Scientific and Technical Information, 35(12), p. 535–543, 2018.