The documentation of library building activity at the national and international level
In the preplanning stage of library building it is advised to visít other libraries, to have an opportunity to see the results of bookstock arrangement, audiovisual and computer provision, support for information services etc. Requirements on the facts and figures about the library building can be met by adequate information and documentation including relevant siatistics, details of architects, contractors and suppliers, and costs. An international overview given of what is being done to document and publicise new library building aciivities. Sources are primarily journals and, in addition, there are the files maintained by national government departments, library schools and library centres. The nature of published documents falls into three categories: listtng of new library buildings, selective listingof new projects including commentaries, plans and photographs, and listing of published information about library buildings. A critical evaluation of documentation is presented.
How to Cite
Michael, D. The documentation of library building activity at the national and international level, Scientific and Technical Information, 35(6-7), p. 282–288, 2018.