International integration effort and its impediment by the search languages applied to social science information retrieval
The impediments lo the integration of information search languages in social sciences are studied. With a thorough knowledge of the obslacles, proposals could be elaborated for their elimination. The starting point is the general determination of the features of social science informaiion followed by the wording of the integration challenge. Final answer to this challenge that is satisfactory in all respects and that can establish effective utilization might be given only after the analysis of most important partial answers have been completed, and the experiences have been synthesized. The author analyses various categories of answers to the integration challenge (information search language answers, international cooperation answers, automation answers), and he concludes that the combined applicalion of answer categories can only lead lo practical results.
How to Cite
Sebestyén, G. International integration effort and its impediment by the search languages applied to social science information retrieval, Scientific and Technical Information, 35(8), p. 335–341, 2018.