The life and work of Dennis Gábor


  • Andrea Reményi (Contibutor)




Dennis Gábor, the engineer, became famous all over the world through the discovery of holography for which he also received the Nobel Prize in 1971. In searching for solutions of technical problems occuring in practice he had arrived at fundamental physical and mathematical problems. He had connected them with studies of social impacts of technological progress. Dennis Gábor is also a classic in information theory. On the 85th anniversary of Dennis Gábor's birth a memorial session was held in the National Technical Information Centre and Library, Hungary. On this occasion the speaker, T. E. Allibone, Fellow of the Royal Society, U. K., gave an account on Gábor's life work. He as the close friend and devoted scientist showed how the way of Dennis Gábor which started in 1900 in Budapest, led to the research of global problems and of the future of mankind.




How to Cite

Thomas, A. The life and work of Dennis Gábor, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(4), p. 188–193, 2018.


