On-line cataloguing by MICRO-ISIS. An application model
The microcomputerized version of CDS/ISIS distribuied by UNESCO has been created on the basis of thc experience gained while operating information retrieval systems on mainframe computers. Upon applicalion design the following must be specified; the fields of document items, iheir attributes (length, name, reproducibility, type, etc), the possible subfields (in order to make the system suilable for MARC- and UNIMARC-format data exchange), the searchable elements in the field (thai can be eilher entire fields or dedicated field-parts, or words in fields), ihe nonsearchable elements (the socalled negative vocabulary), and finally the input and output formats. On the basis of the afore-mentioned characteristics ihe data base can be defined; in the case of MICRO-ISIS the relatively most laboursome task is to define the output format. When inputting data, the currenl table-form input formals can be selected. The "window" displayed on the screen indicates the required part of the field in question (that is ihe so-called scrolled field). The recording procedure is supported by a simple editor program. The most sophisticated part of MICRO-ISIS is the search. The search strategy and the hits can be stored for further application and various item- and list-output formats and arrangement formats can be selected within the same data base. Beside the original English version, a Hungarian version has been prepared. The authors demonstrate the capacity of the program-system via illustrating how to design and use an online cata-logue ín compliance with library requirements.
How to Cite
Szűcs, A., Varga, S. On-line cataloguing by MICRO-ISIS. An application model, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(5-6-7), p. 268–280, 2018.