Hungarian Patent Information System on microcomputer
The creation and operation of the Hungarian palent database by the Computerized Chemical Information Society and the Gedeon Richter Chemical Works, Hungary, on IBM XT or compatible microcomputers is presented. The database presently contains the data of 32 000 patent applications back to 1970 comprising about 70-75 percent of all patent applications in the country for the lime period indicated. It means that since 1983 all patent applications have been recorded, and between 1970 and 1983 all applications in chemical and pharmaceulical industry and agriculture have been included. The database is updated monthly with about 600 items, and it is planned to record all patents missing so far. The history of a patent can be followed from its first announcement of application onwards. The database can be operated on any microcomputer type wiih MS-DOS operating system. The monthly updates are disseminated on floppy disks. The records can be retrieved through their most significant data, like IPC, palent assignee, priority, patent number etc. Truncation is also allowed. The retrieved sets can be combined using Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT. Automatic current awarcness service can be operated by the monthly floppy disks. Using this database, various statistics can be prepared for, e.g., development trend analysis.
How to Cite
Biszak, S. Hungarian Patent Information System on microcomputer, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(5-6-7), p. 304–310, 2018.