Shall l buy it or not? What you shtould know about microcomputers
The author attempts to enumerate the problems an information officer or a librarian is faced with before purchasing a microcomputer. After surveying the structural layout he discusses the different CPU's, memories, storage devices, pronters, keyboards, displays, and other supplements. As to software, operating systems. compilers, Utilities, user application programs are detailed. Unfortunately, he concludes, program supply has a most unfavourable position. Having access to foreign results in the field of library usage is a crucial element of success. Hardware and software should not be considered separately when one has possible future applications in mind. A microcomputer has to be considered as a whole, especially in the fields of documentation and library science where computerization does not have such tradttions as e.g. in industrial or commercial management. The paper is concluded ba the analysis of each step in designing what we wish to use a microcomputer for.
How to Cite
Mazzag, M. Shall l buy it or not? What you shtould know about microcomputers, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(5-6-7), p. 328–338, 2018.