Microcompuierized library-, documentation- and information retrieval systems available in Hungary (selection). The most important attributes from the view-point of the user


  • Rudolf Ungváry




Each software product introduced until the begin-ning of 1986 has its own datasheet included in the summary. The commercial (price, distribulor, references, etc), structural (resource language, storage capacity, field structure, set of signals, etc), retrieval and output (logical relations, truncation, order of findings, catalogue, vocabulary, elc.) and service (printing, SDI, statistics, archivation, instruction manual, etc.) atlributes are specified so thai anyone interested will be able to decide: how far the offerred products meet his requirements. The leading feature of the software supply is that special-purpose systems are more or less too specific, while all-purpose systems are nol universal enough. The former ones have been limited to meet the companies' current needs: in this way any change on environment makes them useless in their present forms. As far as general-purpose programs are concerned, they adopt the principle of commercial dalabase management systems, therefore the possibility for satisfying output requirements is restricted.




How to Cite

Ungváry, R. Microcompuierized library-, documentation- and information retrieval systems available in Hungary (selection). The most important attributes from the view-point of the user, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(5-6-7), p. 339–342, 2018.


