Computer and training. Computer aided training and training of computer-users in library science
Since information has become a marketed commodity, also proper use of it is lo be mastered. Precisely the information medium itself, i.e. the computer constitutes the most suitable means for training; the interactive communication with the machine enables the learner to get acquianted with the subject-matter on a level adequate to his actual knowledge. The computer aided training of librarians dates back to many years and has its own traditions: its main fields are data base management, information retrieval and library house-keeping (acquisition, serials-control, cataloguing and circulation). The author surveys the selection of these training programs available abroad and gives information on the initiatives launched in our country but limited - for the time being - to training UDC and classification attatnments. The situation in the field of computer application training is slightly better due primarily to the advent of microcomputers. The training programs aiding the communication activities or the improvement of the way of life are worthy of special attention. These programs are offerred at a low price for a wider range of prospeclive buyers by their producer, the National Public Education Centre. It is the promotion of various, voluntary and local initiatives that will by all means make considerable progress principally via giving them proper publicity.
How to Cite
Bobokné Belányi, B. Computer and training. Computer aided training and training of computer-users in library science, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(5-6-7), p. 343–351, 2018.