An experiment for creating a central software data base
While one could only choose from among mainframe, medium and minicomputers the automation of library processings had been going on slowly owing to financial reasons. Therefore, however, no convention has been eslablished for the effective handling of rapidly developing computer means from both technical and organization point of view. While the advent of microcomputers — due lo their more reasonable prices - opened up certain possi-bilities for automation, these possibilities were met by relatively inexperienced users. Among others there is a lack in the most simple sources of information on where and what kind of software products are used so that the practical results could be studied and in certain cases to be adopted. In order to avoid errors in decisions, idlings or disappointments there is an urgent need for data collection. For this reason the Centre for Methodology of the National Library has decided to take stock of the library microcomputers, of the qualification of experts involved in developments and of the already existing or scheduled microcomputer systems. A central data base accessible by anyone is being set up that is going to contain the data arranged or grouped from various points of view concerning the software products available or in the possession of users.
How to Cite
Bárdosi, M. An experiment for creating a central software data base, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(5-6-7), p. 352–356, 2018.