Remarks on the use of cataloguing standards in the National Technical Library
An earlier paper by I. Demén in TMT, Vol. 32, Nr 3 (1983), p. 108-117, published on the intro-duction of new bibliographic standards (MSZ 3424-78) by the National Technical Library, Hungary, is criticized here. The paper quoted discussed the decisions adopted by the Library for internál library practices. The present authors show some erroneous decisions, specifically, those for the description of multivolume books, for the distinction between main titles and serial titles, for the interpretation of corporates and collections, for the distinction between monographs and serial publications, for title description and for the categorization and edition rules.
How to Cite
Bátki, A., Kürtiné Kiss, É Remarks on the use of cataloguing standards in the National Technical Library, Scientific and Technical Information, 33(9), p. 465–471, 2018.