Analysis, synthesis and the highest level of information work


  • Sándor Balázs




High level information activity is based on the intensive investigation of needs, on the analysis and synthesis of carefully selected sources. In the practice there are many transitional forms of products and services. Information science has different views concerning the profile of various reviews. Evaluation, critical evaluation, use of information surpassing documentary sources (e.g. accumulated human knowledge), consolidation of information etc. are reducing the noise and loss. Tertiara documents and information may help the direct use. The highest level - based on former leveles - appears in the so-called „studies". The content of a study includes new elements: investigation of local problems of environment, application of methods of content analysis, elaboration of recommendations etc. Information work might be supplemented by consulting and engineering activities as well as by participation in undertakings - producing „show-how" information. The final result of information is in the use, i.e. in the „beneficial effects" produced.




How to Cite

Balázs, S. Analysis, synthesis and the highest level of information work, Scientific and Technical Information, 32(6), p. 255–273, 2018.


