The microcomputer management system of the Translation Service of OMIKK
The Translation Service of the National Technical Information Centre and Library, Hungary (OMIKK) prepares aboul 25 000 translations annually, ordered by other organizations. The translations of scientific and technical texts have been performed by external professionals on a contract basis. A microcomputer program system based on the dBASE III programming language was produced and implemented on an IBM PC AT microcomputer for the management of translation activities of OMIKK incorporating both Professional control (subject and language expertise) and business management of the service.
Its main functions are: management of the external professionals file and of the order file, allocation of a suitable professional to a given translation task taking into account both expertise and burden bearing, follow-up of the processing phases of an order, displaying and printing of various lists and reports.
The system has been in operation since August 1986.
Its main functions are: management of the external professionals file and of the order file, allocation of a suitable professional to a given translation task taking into account both expertise and burden bearing, follow-up of the processing phases of an order, displaying and printing of various lists and reports.
The system has been in operation since August 1986.
How to Cite
Góth, L. The microcomputer management system of the Translation Service of OMIKK, Scientific and Technical Information, 34(4), p. 177–181, 2018.