Library an information science education in Norway
The author presents library and information science education in Norway, with particular reference 10 the data processing component, The 3 year undergraduate programme at The Norwegian School of Library and Information Science (NSLJS) is deseribred, but particular emphasis is given to a presentation of the 2 year postgraduate programme in information science and data processing, established in 1984 and open to specially qualified librarians. A self-financed research and development group (BRODD), also to a certain extent integrated into the postgraduate programme, is presented. The author underlines that the programmes aim at preparing the students for information handling in library as well as non-library environments, and that the extensive data processing component in the postgraduate programme should produce edp-librarians with a thorough knowledge of the administration, organization and retrieval of documents and data.
How to Cite
Torild, A. Library an information science education in Norway, Scientific and Technical Information, 34(6), p. 281–289, 2018.