The Library of the Hungarian Acadetmy of sciences: toward 2000. — Thoughts related to a reconstruction
The Library of the Academy established in 1826 is an integrated scientific institution. It is historical central library, a scientific information institute, a centre of international publication exchange and of the research institute library network, and the archives of the Academy of Sciences. This publication outlines the future scenario of this multifacted library. The real scenario is determined by the process in which the demands become necessities. This process is described, supported by data, in relation with the library's reconstruction project. In addition to the main technological and construction plans, the interconnection cultural history and bibliographic informatíon, the holdings, the usage and the reference services are described as factors leading to advanced library technology, and computerization. In the Appendices, the bibliography of the Library's publications from 1976 to 1985, and the data of the publications by the library staff from 1980 to 1984 are given.
How to Cite
Rózsa, G. The Library of the Hungarian Acadetmy of sciences: toward 2000. — Thoughts related to a reconstruction, Scientific and Technical Information, 32(11), p. 503–522, 2018.