The future and development trends of Hungarian abstract journals 1. The demand for abstract journals in Hungarian


  • Erik Vajda




The use of foreign and international databases, the work-sharing at international level, the new possibilities offered by the international systems as well as the development of information technology have raised doubts about the necessity of abstracting and abstract journais in Hungarian. The different needs and requirements of users and the justified exislence of the different types of services, the conceptual, lingual and economic barriers to the use of the internatíonal information systems and internationally available databases, the overlapping services and the need for their elimination i. e. the improvement of co-operation and, finally, the reduction of subseriptions to foreign journais have led to the conclusion that Hungarian abstract journals in science and technology should generally be retained. In order to improve their applicability to users' needs, decision on the necessity of abstract journals has to be made by subject fields, the subject coverage has to be accurately defined and efforts have to be made towaids a maximum co-operation in their editing and publication.




How to Cite

Vajda, E. The future and development trends of Hungarian abstract journals 1. The demand for abstract journals in Hungarian, Scientific and Technical Information, 30(1-2), p. 13–21, 2018.


