Project management and project communication – at public-law institutions
To improve effectiveness, quality and efficiency in public administration services complex measures are needed. A factor of major importance in this process is to provide access to relevant services for a wide audience, at the minimum cost, tailored to the needs and electronically, i.e. using ICT opportunities. It is almost impossible to implement all this from budgetary sources, along the traditional operation principles of public administration. Support from the EU offers a solution for funding; while the application of project management methods my lead to a paradigm shift in the operation and culture of public administration, in how tasks are accomplished, as well as in ensuring the context for planning, leading, organising and controlling development efforts. At public-law institutions the majority of projects are motivated by needs related to law, community and culture; their achievements cannot, as a rule, be measured; their economic results are not easily traceable (e.g. just by improving efficiency after re-organisation); they implement intangible objectives; and it is only infrequently possible to re-design or interrupt projects. At the same time, it is difficult to find a correspondence between the nature of the everyday operation of public administration and the features of projects. Over-regulated environment may encumber project implementation, make it inflexible and slow; in an excessively hierarchical organisation the transitional organisation background, characteristic of projects, may hinder or impede both routine work and project work itself; it is difficult to designate the obvious place and mutual relationship of project objectives as parallel to political and institutional aims relying on and directed by daily operation and tasks; instead of vague success criteria, characteristic of administrative work, the project defines unanimous criteria for controlling and evaluating tasks and those performing them; the contradiction between official duties and expertise, many times so characteristic of administration, may lead to tension within the organisation; cooperation, which is inevitable for success, is uncommon in the administrative structure and relation system; the intensity and tone of project processes and discussions leading to decisions, the short period to reach a decision are not common in public administration decision-making which is rather characterised by step-by-step, disconnected processes, peace-motivated staff and a dominance of managers. Generally, public-law institutions are lacking in those competences as well that are required for a successful project implementation. This article describes the entry, applicability and effects of projects and project management approach to public services organisations. As an illustration it quotes the example of the Digitised Legislation Knowledge Base – a project at the Library of the Hungarian Parliament –, presenting theoretical and practical problems, and advocates the necessity and feasibility of projects and the project management approach.
How to Cite
Kovácsné Koreny, Á Project management and project communication – at public-law institutions, Scientific and Technical Information, 59(4), p. 135–150, 2012.