Library Service System for Rural Areas - a pilot project in Nagykanizsa


  • Gyula Czupi
  • Ferenc Kardos




The Nagykanizsa model of the aforementioned service system is based on two sub-systems: a non-stop virtual reference centre (www.nagykar. hu) that effectively delivers documents and services, and the network of collaborating libraries, including the István Halis Municipal Library and the surrounding village libraries. The library service system portai ( is based on a data management software offering a variety of library and information services and can be accessed at all 47 villages around Nagykanizsa. The system offers a digital library of documents of local interest; an events calendar promoting and documenting local events; a reference library facilitating the use of online information; an interlibrary loan system; and multiple forms of online communication: news, forum, chatroom, e-mail etc. All citizens of the partner villages can benefit from these services and are encouraged to join the information management team and contribute to the en-hancement of the online content. A non-stop helpdesk service - available in the chatroom - ensures that library users understand how to use the portal and how to use library services in generál. The István Halis Municipal Library offers library services to all those small villages that are not able to operate a public library out of their own resources. These villages are entitled to order library services from the city library and they cover the expenses of these services out of appropriate state funding available for the so-called „small districts", small administrative units based on the partnerships of several villages. The most important achievement of the Nagykanizsa pilot project is that citizens of the rural areas can access all library services at their own villages.




How to Cite

Czupi, G., Kardos, F. Library Service System for Rural Areas - a pilot project in Nagykanizsa, Scientific and Technical Information, 54(5), p. 205–214, 2007.


