The project MICHAELPIus in Hungary
The project MICHAELPIus was launched in sum-mer 2006 with the participation of 14 countries. The aim of the project is to create, by June 2008, an Intemet-based portai which will make it possible to access and search the metadata of digital collections of European cultural heritage from any part of the world. As the outcome of the project, valuable elements of European culture will be collected in a standard formát, according to a standard data model and in a common information infrastructure. The new community standards and technical mod-els elaborated in the framework of the initiative can be further used in future projects establishing en-
hanced catalogues (searchable not only by collec-tion but alsó by records). The data model created in the framework of the project comprises five main units, containing information about the following: the physical and the digital collection, the institu-tion holding the collection, the services and prod¬ucts connected to the collection, as well as other related programs and projects. Beside the nationa! electronic catalogues set up on the basis of the data model, there will be an integrated portai mak-ing it possible to search digital collections of European cultural heritage provided by various member states. The Hungárián partner institution of the project is the National Digital Data Archive, operaiing under the umbrella of the Neumann Digital Library Directorate. The National Digital Data Archive operates and develops a record-based metadata archive, so the integration of the existing project and MICHAELPIus will generate an en-hanced search interface offering access to information about the collection, the institution holding the collection and alsó the records contained in the collection. MICHAELPIus creates an opportunity for Hungárián cultural institutions to make a targeted appearance online, in order to better sérve their user groups.
How to Cite
Zsolt, P. The project MICHAELPIus in Hungary, Scientific and Technical Information, 54(6), p. 249–254, 2007.