Information management gaining ground in the 21st century, or one of the greatest challenges for modern higher education
In the 21st century information management has become one of the most important professions in modern global economy. The impact of this process is examined in Hungarian and foreign higher education in order to define the concept of ongoing information management on a pragmatic basis. Information management education has progressed into an outstanding success of the sector. It has two main models in both developed and developing countries. The first model is characteristic for library education colleges’ and departments’ activities, which – recognizing the up-to-date requirements and the opportunities to ensure their competitiveness – have introduced a diploma in information management beside traditional programmes of education in library and information science. In a number of cases the emphasis is transferred to information management education, and nearly in most cases the earlier library education institutions have changed their names to colleges, departments etc. of information or of information studies. The second model has been developing within the framework of the business schools. Beside such attractive and fashionable qualifications as public or, in particular, business administration diplomas, master degrees in information management have also become popular, and in most cases the way is open for continuing studies for a PhD.
How to Cite
Sebestyén, G. Information management gaining ground in the 21st century, or one of the greatest challenges for modern higher education, Scientific and Technical Information, 59(9), p. 355–363, 2012.