Open archives – MTI news from the past accessible on the internet
MTI Hungarian News Agency offers from December 2009 internet access to a significant part of its news archive of the 19th and 20th centuries. The MTI news can be retrieved as grouped into five time periods by browsing on MTI’s webpage: From the period 1887-1919 relatively few news have been retained, while the periods 1920-1945 and 1945-1949 include more complete news material; the archive contains news published in 1956 as well as those born digitally in the period 1988 to 2005. The databases also include the so-called restricted materials; these were compiled in the editorial offices of MTI and were accessible for a narrow audience only. The material makes up a total of about five million pieces of news; it is accessible for browsing; orientation is facilitated by up-to-date software. The „Open archives” digitisation and conservation project was implemented in partnership with the National Széchényi Library and the Hungarian National Archives.
How to Cite
Vince, M. Open archives – MTI news from the past accessible on the internet, Scientific and Technical Information, 57(3), p. 91–94, 2010.