„Confutation" of the „Ortega-hypothesis" by citation analysis 1. A case study of method criticism
The first part of the two-part study provides a detailed critical analysis on Colé and Cole's paper in which by means of citation index analysis the authors „confuted" the so-called Ortega hypothesis. The critical letters of Goudsmit, McGervey and Yaes and the reaction of the eriticized authors are also analysed. The case study points out the incompetent application of citation index analysis as a research method. Its basic conclusions are the following:
-Colé and Colé formulated and studied a self-created hypothesis attributing it to Ortega, though it is completely contrary to Ortega's view; their basic epistemo-logical-methodologicai standpoint as well as their theoretical and empirical working hypothesis are false in respect of both research logic and verification theory; their method of investigation is based upon disputed and vague assumptions and so it is not suitable for resolving the problem; the objective meaning and the subjective interpretation of the numerical results of this „empirical" citation analysis are not adequate; neither the objective results nor the subjective interpretation confute Ortega's real science-philosophical view or confirm the authors' science-theoretical conclusion and science-political propositions;
-the short discussion following the publication of the Colé and Colé paper cannot be regarded as an essential eriticism of the study or the real problems; it did not even occur to the eritics that the „confuted" Ortega-hypothesis was falsé; in the debate the authors, science sociologists by profession, did not answer, „in merito" to the mentioned physicists critical remarks, nor could they „neutralize" them by their invalid, false reasoning. In fact, the mistakes in the logic and reasoning of the Colé and Cole's answer revealed only the groundless antinomies of their own procedure and views.
In the second part of the study (to be publishcd later) the effect of this pscudo-scientific case of citation analysis and superficial debate on the literature will he shown as reflected by their citations.