What’s the news around MOKKA? Enhancing the sharedcatalogue to serve the National Document Supply System and libraries


  • Katalin Bánkeszi
  • Klára Koltay




In November 2010 the development plans regarding theHungarian National Shared Catalogue (MOKKA) started to be implemented. The authorsreport on the preparations, the tender process as well as the first steps following theannouncement of the award of contract. Funding for the project comes from the grant won bythe National Széchényi Library from TÁMOP (Social Renewal Operational Programmewithin the New Hungary Development Plan) funds, as part of further developing the NationalDocument Supply System (ODR). To the transformation of MOKKA – its functionalextension, modernisation, as well as preparation for the requirements of national documentsupply – special importance is attributed among the national library’s developmentprogrammes funded from EU funds. At the same time, support to the cataloguing work oflibraries will continue. As the current database has to be operated during development works,and the newly created records have to be integrated, the tasks related to MOKKA havepractically doubled. The enterprise in charge of development needs frequent consultationopportunities, and work progress has to be monitored. It is hoped that, although theimplementation period is rather short, the development work will successfully finish in 2011,and migration to the new system will take place smoothly.




How to Cite

Bánkeszi, K., Koltay, K. What’s the news around MOKKA? Enhancing the sharedcatalogue to serve the National Document Supply System and libraries, Scientific and Technical Information, 58(2), p. 47–56, 2011.


