How to write a world class paper


  • Eger Arthur




This paper offers “tips-and-tricks” for young scientists on writing their first manuscript(s) for publication. The paper is divided into three parts: “Before Writing”; “Language and Style”; and “Structure of the Manuscript”. In the first part, the following topics are discussed: checking if the contribution is new and original; getting an overview of the research area; finding “Hot Topics“, searching for the right journal; using the ”Guide for Authors“, finding out about “editors and reviewers”, choosing the appropriate form of publication etc. The second part discusses the appropriate language and style, paying attention to the special features of scientific publications: consistency, logic and grammar, the do’s-and-don’ts of scientific writing, illustrations etc. The third part elaborates on the structure of the manuscript (title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, etc) including differences between reading and writing an article. The paper concludes with a discussion of ethical and copyright issues, e.g. various forms of fraud and what authors are allowed to do with their published manuscripts.




How to Cite

Arthur, E. How to write a world class paper, Scientific and Technical Information, 56(7), p. 307–319, 2009.


