The Knowledge Centre and Library of the South TransdanubianRegion, Pécs – as seen by the architect


  • Balázs Mihály




While preparing the architectural plans the author as adesigner of the Knowledge Centre, Pécs had an opportunity to arrange his previousconsiderations about libraries into a systematic concept. Although earlier he had a definiteidea about libraries and was emotionally involved with the given district of the city, he couldnot for a long time identify points of connection to the city as a whole, either in intellectual orphysical sense. He found that in addition to the library’s inclusive, arranging andsystematising role, some features of secondary importance had to be re-evaluated: today thelibrary is a meeting point, a community place, a scene of the city’s public life. Theemblematic inner space of the new building, called Beehive, has become a symbol of the newbuilding with its magnificent size and wonderful ceramics covering. The building wishes tobe a place of acquiring solid knowledge and a house of creative imagination.




How to Cite

Mihály, B. The Knowledge Centre and Library of the South TransdanubianRegion, Pécs – as seen by the architect, Scientific and Technical Information, 58(4), p. 177–180, 2011.


