ASSISTENT, the integrated automated information system of the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information ( VINITI)
The elaboration of the ASSISTENT information system was begun in 1971. The integrated system is a complex of simple information systems. Each of these systems fulfils a main function and thus may function independently. However, these systems are organically interlinked and form an inseparable part of ASSISTENT. The complete system is able to comply with complex functions, for which none of the simple systems is suitable. The main task of the system is to provide scientists and specialists with information in the fields of science, technology and the national economy as well as to supply information for the solution of complex interdisciplinary problems. One of the main features of the system consists of methods by which data gained by bibliographic description, indexing and abstracting and fixed on machine readable information media, may be used repetedfy and in various forms for meeting information demand.
How to Cite
A., C. ASSISTENT, the integrated automated information system of the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information ( VINITI), Scientific and Technical Information, 24(3), p. 95–101, 2018.