Systematic provision of patent information. The Selective Information Service of the Patent Office of the Hungarian Peoples Republic
The systematic acquirement of patent information may be useful for organizations in charge of development from several aspects. Individually acquiring information may face serious problems because of the large number of information and of the difficulties of access and selection. The central processing of patent documents and the selective dissemination of information eliminate these difficulties. Depending on the extent of selectivity (based on the sections, subdivisions, groups, etc. of the International Patent Classification) different possibilities avail themselves for processing and for selective information. The past ten years of the Selective Information Service of the Patent Office of the Hungárián People's Republic shows a progressive extension of the Service. The author describes the current awareness information provided in the frame of the Selective Information Service as well as the bibliographic data elements submitted to the subscribers.
How to Cite
Kincses, I. Systematic provision of patent information. The Selective Information Service of the Patent Office of the Hungarian Peoples Republic, Scientific and Technical Information, 24(9), p. 391–394, 2018.