The availability in Hungary of the periodicals processed by the computerised data bases of the Institute for Scientific Information (Philadelphia, USA)


  • Mária Horváth Bükyné




Science policy decisions entrusted the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the moderntzation of the information supply of fundamental research. This task might be successfully solved by using machine readable data bases. This article was prepared in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the course of a preparatory work for modernization of the information programme of the Academy. Its intention is to clarify the availability of the source periodicals of the Science Citation Index and the Social Sciences Citation Index. The investigations and conclusions refer primarily to thosc processed periodicals which are available in Hungary, but provide a broader outlook by presenting percentage ratios referring to the complete base of source periodicals of the two series involved. The ratio of the periodicals available in the country is satisfactory with regard to Dotn data bases: 75% in the case of SCI and 70% in the case of SSCI. The survey covered the whole country but provides more detailed data concern-ing the library network of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A subject breakdown of periodicals not available in the country is also presented.




How to Cite

Bükyné, M. The availability in Hungary of the periodicals processed by the computerised data bases of the Institute for Scientific Information (Philadelphia, USA), Scientific and Technical Information, 26(5), p. 220–237, 2018.


