The CEU Library’s Web presence
Preconditioned and primed by both by friendly bickering andpalavers with the IT Department, the CEU Library opted very early on for web-based,freeware and cloud-powered solutions. This virtue made out of necessity allowed for theadoption and development of several independent library widgets which have come to definethe Library vis-à-vis its patrons worldwide. It is the Library Toolbar platform powered by theConduit Inc., with its robust search engine, content sharing and Web 2.0 features alongsidewith the Wibiya toolbar used in the catalogue that constitute the backbone of the library’sonline existence. Accompanied by a wide array of RSS feeds, communication andfeedback/chat tools, subject gates, mobile website, as well as by a Facebook site, the CEUlibrary’s presence on the web represents a well-balanced attempt at coming to terms withchallenges facing librarians in tackling new technologies and changing patron behaviouralpatterns.
How to Cite
Vít, L. The CEU Library’s Web presence, Scientific and Technical Information, 58(11-12), p. 516–519, 2011.