On library research


  • István Papp




The Hungarian National Council for Librarianship and Documentation discussed the development of library research and adapted a medium range plan for 1976-1980. A brief survey on the evolution of Hungarian library research starts with the indication of the close connection of library theory and practice. It provides a survey of research results and present shortcomings. Social needs towards libraries demand a more rapid development of research activities as well as an increase of their quantity and organization. Subject of research activities in libraries fall partly into library science and partly into the subject fields served by the libraries. From the point of view of library operations and services both research fields are equally important. The framework and organizations of library research are as follows: directives for research policy are given by the Ministry of Culture and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences based upon the National Council for Librarianship and Documentation as well upon competent academic organizations; social resources are mobilized by the Associations of Hungarian Librarians; organization of research is performed by the Centre for Library Science and Methodology as well as by certain libraries respon-sible for main subject groups. The widest base for research is provided by the libraries themselves, it is the duty of their directors to integrate research into the activities of the library. The strengthening of research personnel seems to be most important task; here the institutes of library education play a significant role. Based on the research programme library networks and libraries should prepare middle range plans and co-ordinate their research plans among themselves as well as on international level.




How to Cite

Papp, I. On library research, Scientific and Technical Information, 23(3), p. 99–109, 2018.


