50 years of reprography in Hungary
In 1945 reprographic activities started with the introduction of safety microfilming. Very soon thereafter the large libraries established microfilm laboratories, then the number of microfilm users increased significantly by equipments imported from the GDR. Copying techniques developed paralelly with microfilm practice principally by the application of large capacitiy electrostatic copying automats.
The second part of the article deals with the present situation of reprography in Hungary. Microfilm equipments in use are described including the newest Pentacta system. Among the newer types of electrostatic copying machines there is also an equipment made in Hungaary introduced at the 1974 Budapest International Fair.
The second part of the article deals with the present situation of reprography in Hungary. Microfilm equipments in use are described including the newest Pentacta system. Among the newer types of electrostatic copying machines there is also an equipment made in Hungaary introduced at the 1974 Budapest International Fair.
How to Cite
Gara, A. 50 years of reprography in Hungary, Scientific and Technical Information, 22(3), p. 221–228, 2018.