Some thoughts on the development of our current national special bibliographies


  • Mária Szilágyiné Csécs


The bibliographic control of our whole domeatic special literature could be realized primarlly by a system of current special bibliographies. At present many unexplored fields exist, however, a system based on the totality of scientific knowledge cannot miss the bibliography of one single branch of the sciences.
Realization is to be based on a uniform conception both in content and form.
Considerations towards the content firstly mean an exact delimitation of the bibliographical profiles i.e. determination of the subject and the types of documents to be registered.
Quick and definite retrieval is to be secured by standardized formal elements and editorial principles supplementing the main arrangement system by indexes as well as by standardized cataloguing principles.
It would be advisable to re-examine and - if necessary - to modify the periodicity and time-lag of already existing bibliographies.
Only the establishment of an integrated bibliographical system could cease existing uneconomical duplications, lacks in coverage and could realize co-operation among apecial bibliograpnies.




How to Cite

Szilágyiné Csécs, M. Some thoughts on the development of our current national special bibliographies, Scientific and Technical Information, 22(7-8), p. 535–544, 2018.


