Information storage and retrieval as exhibited during the European Microfilin Congress in Mainz


  • László Béla Pétervári


The European Microfilm Congress and exhibition gave an overall view on microcopying in November 1972. The microcopying and COM equipments and systems exhibited represented the most up-to-date methods and means of field. Lectures dealt with the main problems of microfilm-oxganization in the economy, in public administration, in scientific work, in information systems and computer teohnology concerning application of information storage and retrieval systems using microfilms and microfiches.
Information storage ana retrieval systems based on microcopies are discussed in details. These system deserve speciai interest in the organization of up-to-date information systems and data banks. The systems of ADCO-926, CARD (Compact Automatic Retrieval Display), MTC (Micrographic Technology Corporation), INFORMAT, MAUL and MIRACODE-II (Microfilm Information Retrieval Access CODE) are analyzed as they have large scale possibilities for application in information storage and retrieval systems using microfiches, machine punched apertura cards and microfilm.




How to Cite

Pétervári, L. Information storage and retrieval as exhibited during the European Microfilin Congress in Mainz, Scientific and Technical Information, 20(5-6), p. 368–382, 2018.


