Contributions to the discussion of L. Tarnóczi and D. Varga on machine translation


  • Endre Száva-Kováts
  • János Pálinkás
  • Erik Vajda


E. SZÁVA-KOVÁTS (p.850.) neglects the content of the debate. He comments the two articles from the point of view of argumentation. Referring to practical examples he points out that irrespective of the correct or incorrect content of argumentation the prerequisite of a scientific debate is the justification of the professional conclusions.

J. PÁLINKÁS (p.856.) strives to clear up opinions on computer application criteria and possibilities. He outlines the big possibilities of computer application together with general or temporary limits. He points out that computers - according to practical experiences and considerations of principles - could be considered suitable for language processing not only in the field of machine tranalation but also for other information purposes.

E. VAJDA (p.863.) in his concluding words returns to the methods and stile of the debate. As to the content he thinks that mathematics and the computers are practically suitable for language analysis and processing. Since translation is both analyaing (source language) and synthetising (aim language) automation is possible in case of mathematical description of system rules. Finally he points out that from the standpoint of information work the machine processing could'nt be examined separately but only in connection with other information processes of vital importance, together with mathematical language analysis and computerized language processing.




How to Cite

Száva-Kováts, E., Pálinkás, J., Vajda, E. Contributions to the discussion of L. Tarnóczi and D. Varga on machine translation, Scientific and Technical Information, 20(11-12), p. 850–856, 2018.


