Challenges to theory and methods of systems, cybernetics and information networks


  • K. Samuelson


The ideas of the article are the basic theoretical guidelines of the FID/TM Committee and its working groups.
The FID/TM scope of activity - which still has much debated problems - can beat be described as a higher synthesia of theory and practice in the fields of theory and methods of systema, cybernetica and information networks.
To clear these problems a distinction is to be made between information networks and supporting computer-communication networks. It could be proved that already their evolution is accomplished in different ways. Meanwhile the development of the latter ia systematic; the former - in general - proceed spontaneously, i.e. intricate, entagled networks are formed by overestimating the importance of already existing systems, organizations and methods (libraries, documentation centres, abstracting services). Effectuation of afterwards co-ordination is impossible. The choice of subjects by the FID/TM Committee is important because mistakes, originated from the development outlined above, could be avoided only if information networks would be developed on principled and methodological bases. The foundation of these bases needs:
- a system approach as the asystems are very complicated;
- a dynamic approach as the field ia changing very rapidly, and
- a user-oriented approach as the systems have to serve the users' utility.
In information network construction the first task is to point ont the national goals and strategy, then the convenient organization and relating system of applied media is to be outlined, the various stages of network development - according to dynamism of the field - to be planned.
Future information networks would be presumably characterized by means of decentralization and satellite-type organization.




How to Cite

Samuelson, K. Challenges to theory and methods of systems, cybernetics and information networks, Scientific and Technical Information, 19(7), p. 507–519, 2018.


