Connections between informatics and research on future


  • Gyula Pusztabíró


Infornatics and research on future have been developed paralelly with scientific-technical progress. These two new branches of science have a special task in processing and utilization of knowledge. Nevertheless their connection is not sufficient. The practice of fore-cast-compilation indicates that research on future has to be supported by results of documentation and information activities. Both documentation and information activities. Both documentation and research on future could be comprehended like regulated systems having well definable sub-systems and regulators. The linking up (integraing) of the two system into one shows the problems of closer connection between informatics and research on future. It denotes the possible development of a new bordering field of knowledge: the informatics of the research on future.
Key forecasts initiated by the Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry, concerning machine industries of the world, were compiled by information analyzing methods. Their results and other domestic experiences prove that the significance of information analyzing forecast methods is similar to the explorative and normative methods. Further development of this method, however, demands closer contacts between informatics and research on future.




How to Cite

Pusztabíró, G. Connections between informatics and research on future, Scientific and Technical Information, 19(8-9), p. 577–592, 2018.


