Report literature. III. Collection of foreign reports in Hungary. Perspectives of development


  • Éva Dáczer


In Hungary the systematic acquisition of foreign reports and their dissemination is done only by a few speciel library and information bureaux.
Építésügyi Tájékoztatási Központ. ÉTK (Information Centre of Buildings) through its extensive exchange programme on International level the Centre also receives a fair number of research reports as well as other reports housed in the special collection of exchange documentation materials.
A Kohó- és Gépipari Minisztérium Műszaki Tudományos Tájékoztató Intézete, KGM MTTI (Institute for Technical and Scientific Information of the Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry). The Institute started to organize its foreign reports collection in 1973. Utilizing the GRA (Government Reports Announcements) subject specialists selected several hundred reports acquired in the form of paper copy from the NTIS. Ordered from the SCM on a regular basis since 1974 the collection is growing by reports grouped according to various fields.
Az MTA Központi Fizikai Kutatóintézete, KFKI (Central Reaearch Institute of Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). The Institute was the first one to recognize the information value of reports and started their extensive and systematic collecting. The collection consists of some 50 000 units, primarily paper copies that are to a great extent obtained through the channels of international exchange. (The Institute receives 5000 to 6000 units annually from some one hundred and thirty partners.) The special library of the institute is equipped to give extensive and up to date information about its report collection to research workers.
The INIS system serves as the basis for the classification of the report collection information on which is stored and disseminated by computer.
The bibliographical data are presented in two publicationst
Recent reports. 1971- (weekly)
Catalogue of reports. 1971 (annual)
The Országos Műszaki Könyvtár és Dokumentációs Központ, OMKDK (Hungarian Central Technical Library and Documentation Centre) collects foreign reports since 1960 and handles it as a special collection. The collection consists at the present of 16 000 units of which 5000 are papercopies and 11 000 are microfiches. The overwhelming part of the collection is made up by reports on computer science, electrotechnics and eloctronics, management and information selected from the NTIS SCIM programme. The acquisition of new material is governed - next to the acquisition of reports on information science - by the needs to supply information for national research and development programmes. Until 1970 a card catalogue served the foreign report collection; this was then replaced by a printed catalogue issued annually and processed by computer. The following volumes have been published so far:
Research and development reports in OMKDK
1970. (1972.) 1-2. vol.
1971. (1972.) 1-2. vol.
1972. (1974.) 1-2. vol.
The OMKDK has, since 1973, expanded its service with a quick list, distributed, free of charge, that comes out every two or three weeks supplementing the annually issued catalogue:
Recent acpuisitions of foreign reports. 1973-
Rational development should continue in the commenced direction in Hungary. Decentralized collection and information, seems to be reasonable especially in some specific fields and primarily in the basic disciplines as well as in various branches of industry, since, on one hand information on reports is limited to specialists and on the other hand, because the information contente of report is quickly depreciating. With respect to the collecting of foreign reports and information there of the OMKDK as a national special library and documentation centre has to retain central responsibility in matters of methodology. It should also continue and extend the acquisition of reports primarily in interdisciplinary subjects. Furthermore, it should prepare a union list of the continuously arriving foreign reports.
It is the methodological task of large libraries, centere of industrlal library networks to promote the introduction of up-to-date information media, primarily microcopies (mainly microfiches) since these due to their form, facilitate handling and are inexpensive. Thus a report collection can be built up in a relatively short time and requlres minimum space.




How to Cite

Dáczer, É Report literature. III. Collection of foreign reports in Hungary. Perspectives of development, Scientific and Technical Information, 21(7), p. 457–471, 2019.


