Hungarian full edition of UDC. 1. Problems of preparation


  • Béla Babiczky


The use of UDC depends primarily on the availability of its tables, nevertheless the publication of the various editions takes some ten years. In Hungary the UDC la used since 1912, but uptil now only the abridged editions were available. The Hungarian version of the abridged edition is more detailed as the internationally adopted abridged edition, it contains almost 20 000 terms. Classification tables are justly claimed by special libraries and newly developed information systems for more detailed and differentiated information retrieval. Up-to-date UDC tables were not available neither in well known world-wide languages, the publication of a Hungarian full edition became necessary. It was urged also by language difficulties.

The main principle of editing was to make a most up-to-date Hungarian edition available to the users. Preparations were carried out since 1965, the work was scheduled for the years 1966–1969. Because of difficulties in editing (in consequence of current and general development of UDC) this plan was modified and the 42 volumes were published between 1968 and 1972.

The Extensions and Corrections to the UDC (FID Publ. 428) has also started publication beginning with the 6:3 issue.

Intensive connections were maintained with the Classification Department of the FID General Secretariat. According to the original conception proposals for revision of individual classes were to be developed during editing. On various expert meetings controlling the development of Hungarian terminology, however, became evident that this task means a risk for editing. Needs for revision were namely emerged relating almost to all volumes of the full edition, so these were neglected. In consequence of these reasons tasks of updating were not realized. Nevertheless obvious imperfections and contradictions originated by various revision works were recommended to the attention of the Classification Department and joint corrections were made. These corrections were sometimes issued in the form of PC-notes.

Alphabetical subject index was not compiled to the volumes of the Hungarian full edition, but experiments were made to investigate the possibilities of a mechanical compilation after editing. The index of one subject field was just completed and will be discussed. Since the number of copies printed is 1000–1200 and generally 50% is sold in one year the preparation of a 2nd Hungarian full edition is already emerged.

The 25 volumes of the present full edition are based on the validity of Ext. Corr. 7:6, so working never corrections is necessary into 17 volumes. A possible new edition will keep the original volume-arrangement or rather it would be published with smaller modifications, with the validity of Ext. Corr. 7:6, with indexes after 1973.

Experiences of editing the Hungarian full tables will be out-lined in the next issue.




How to Cite

Babiczky, B. Hungarian full edition of UDC. 1. Problems of preparation, Scientific and Technical Information, 19(8-9), p. 605–618, 2019.


